Seeds to Sow in Your Oak Garden Building in July

An oak garden building can be an amazing thing for keen gardeners as it can make it easier for you to undertake a range of jobs throughout the year, and it is certainly a step up from a regular potting shed.
An oak-framed garden building gives you the space you need to sow seeds, undertake other gardening jobs, and of course, relax after a long day tending your garden.
For most gardeners, the busiest time for seed sowing is the spring. But there are also plenty of seeds that you might sow in your oak garden building in July or even in August.
So in the height of summer, don’t get stuck tending the plants you already have and forget about the future. Think about which seeds you might sow to continue to feed yourself and your family over the months to come.
Why Sow Seeds in July?
Sowing at this time of the year is important in order to plan ahead – for the colder months to come and for the spring that lies ahead.
Of course, you might sow a huge range of different things for a garden. But focusing on food production can be very useful. There is nothing quite as satisfying as growing your own and knowing exactly what ends up on your plate.
Sowing seeds of edible crops in July is all about making sure that you have further harvests after the main harvest of the late summer comes to an end.
Some quick-growing crops might be ready by autumn. Some might be harvested over the winter and can make it through with some protection over the coldest part of the year.
And some will overwinter in a garden before providing you with food during the traditional ‘hungry gap’ the following spring.
Seeds To Sow In July
First of all, you might consider sowing seeds for crops that grow quickly and that you will be able to harvest before the first frosts, towards the end of summer or in early autumn. You might think about sowing some:
- Beans (French or runner beans for green beans before the end of the growing season)
- Beetroots (baby beetroots by autumn or maincrop to lift and store at the end of the season).
- Carrots (baby carrots by early autumn, maincrop to store for winter)
- Chard
- Kohlrabi
- Loose leaf lettuce (and other quick-growing leafy greens).
- Peas
- Radishes
- Spring Onions
Thinking longer term, you might also sow other crops that will be ready for winter harvests or for harvesting the following spring, such as:
- Christmas potatoes (Plant in July, and with protection, potatoes will survive to provide new potatoes in time for Christmas…)
- Purple Sprouting Broccoli
- Turnips (sow maincrop turnips in July for a useful winter harvest).
- Kale
- Winter Cabbages
- Winter Lettuces
These are, of course, just some examples of the seeds that you might sow in the height of summer to see you through the chillier months to come.
Of course, you might also sow the seeds for a range of flowering plants to make sure that your garden is not only productive but also continues to be beautiful over the rest of this growing season and into the next.
Whatever you decide to sow, an oak gardening building can be the perfect place to do so, making your job as a gardener so much easier and meaning that no garden job seems like a chore and you can enjoy every second of your time in your garden, whether that is outside tending your crops and other plants, or relaxing in your relaxing oak framed space.
About Us
We here at Loosehanger Oak pride ourselves on our attention to detail, as well as our environmental credentials. We provide an end-to-end service – taking care of everything from initial idea to finished construction. We handle all the small hassles and let you relax and look forward to enjoying your new oak building or oak extension.
Contact Gary today to begin your journey, book a free site visit and consultation, and join our many contented customers as you embark on your own oak framed construction project.
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