Oak Garden Rooms
There is something very special about oak garden rooms that cannot be recreated with any other building materials. Garden rooms are designed to be the link between indoors and outdoors living spaces – creating a bridge between the comfort and cosiness of your home and the natural beauty, light and peace of your garden.
It is important for everyone to work towards a better sense of connection with nature. This is one of the ways to live more sustainably and ethically in our fast-changing modern world. Choosing to build an oak garden room with Loosehanger Oak is one great way to move towards that goal and to live in a way that is more in harmony with the natural world around us.
Why Choose to Build Oak Garden Rooms?
Whilst a garden room is always a good idea, there is much to recommend the idea of using oak construction techniques for this purpose. A garden room made of oak is uniquely able to represent and embody both the security and comfort of a home and the natural world of the garden outside. Perhaps it is the unique ability of oak to inhabit both of these worlds that makes it such a wonderful choice of building material.
In addition, oak garden rooms:
- Are light and bright, allowing you to use passive solar design to reduce energy use (and bills) in your home.
- Are wonderful spaces for relaxation and recreation.
- Could link the outdoors and indoors and provide a better sense of connection between your home and garden. This will bring you closer to nature and inspire you to make full use of your home and garden.
If you are considering building a new garden room from oak, get in touch with Gary today to see how we can help you bring your home and garden into greater unity and give you some valuable additional living space into the bargain.

Thank you, Loosehanger Oak for my beautiful oak framed conservatory . We now have an airy, light filled kitchen with an oak workstation, a stunning limestone floor and underfloor heating. It is now such a pleasure to spend time here surrounded by the gorgeous golden oak. Our house has been transformed by the “wow” factor of our stunning oak framed extension. And , yes, friends and visitors really do say “wow”. Thank you for your amazing work.
Mrs. L.K., Ashdown Forest, Sussex